[WIP] The Declarative/Procedural Model for L1 and L2 by Michael T. Ullman

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This post is my attempt to better understand and compile notes on the Declarative/Procedural Model for first and second language by Michael T. Ullman.

This is WIP as I struggle to find time to preserve my notes digitally. I also plan to share the link to the overleaf draft soon.

Co-optation is the reuse of existing structures and mechanisms such as evolution of fins into limbs and wings, scales into feathers. Similarly, our ability to read emerges from the co-optation of brain circuitry that existed before the inception of reading.

It is likely that the human capacity of language depends on neurobiological substrates that existed prior to the language capacity, and those substrates may or may not have evolved to specialize for language. Motivated from the fact that language has to be learned, the DP model tries to link the co-optation of learning and memory for language.